Monday, February 10, 2014


words / ayumi hamasaki
music / hideaki kuwabara
arrangement / akimitsu honma


atarashii doa akete shiranai basho he dete
shimatte mo watashi wa watashi da to ii kiru kara
soko ga donna basho demo ikinuite miseru yo
isshou ni ichido no tatakaii domu tame

kako wa kitto ima to wa kurabe mono ni naranai
dakedo ima ni mirai ga kateru wake ja nai sa

tsugi no shingou ao ni nattara hashiri dasu koto ni kimetan da
kiiro ni natte aka de tomatte kokoro no junbi wa ii kai?

mawari no zatsuon ni wa mou kikiakita kara
wakatte kureru hito wa tatta hitori de ii
suki na mono wa nokosazu tabetsukushite shimatte
kirai na mono wa subete doko ka he sutete shimaou

tanoshikatta yo itsu ka mo zutto mukashi no hanashi ni naru keredo
omoide nante itsu mo ii tsugou no ii you ni yomigaeru ja nai

ima nara ieru shin kokyuu shite mune wo hatte jishin wo motte
tachi domatteru hima nante nai watashi ni wa jikan ga nai

kako wa kitto ima to wa kurabe mono ni naranai
dakedo ima ni mirai ga kateru wake ja nai sa

tsugi no shingou ao ni nattara hashiri dasu koto ni kimetan da
kiiro ni natte aka de tomatte kokoro no junbi wa ii kai?

ima nara ieru shin kokyuu shite mune wo hatte jishin wo motte
tachi domatteru hima nante nai watashi ni wa jikan ga nai




次の信号青になったら 走り出すことに決めたんだ
黄色になって赤で止まって 心の準備はいいかい?

周りの雑音には もう聞き飽きたから

楽しかったよ いつかもうずっと昔の話になるけれど
思い出なんて いつも都合のいい様に蘇るじゃない

今なら言える深呼吸して 胸を張って自信をもって
立ち止まってるヒマなんてない 私には時間がない


次の信号青になったら 走り出すことに決めたんだ
黄色になって赤で止まって 心の準備はいいかい?

今なら言える深呼吸して 胸を張って自信をもって
立ち止まってるヒマなんてい 私には時間がない

ENGLISH (Translation)

I open a new door into a place I don't know.
Even if I close it I'm still myself, so no matter what kind of place it is, I'll show you that I can survive.
To have a once in a lifetime challenge.

The past isn't something you compare to the present.
But the future can't beat the present either.

I've decided to zoom off when the next light turns green.
It turns yellow, and stops at red. Am I ready for this?

I'm tired of hearing the noise around me.
Even if only one person understands it's ok.
Let's eat all the things we like, leaving none behind,
and throw away the things we hate.

It was fun. It's an old story, but
memories are always remembered in a good light, right?

I take a deep breath, my chest rises.
I puff out my chest; I'm confident.
Now I can say that I don't have time to stop. I have no time.

The past isn't something you compare to the present.
But the future can't beat the present either.

I've decided to zoom off when the next light turns green.
It turns yellow, and stops at red. Am I ready for this?

I take a deep breath, my chest rises.
I puff out my chest; I'm confident.
Now I can say that I don't have time to stop. I have no time.